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by Ron Runkel

In God We Trust x Kit steer for sale. No need to wonder how this one will turn out, just look at all the banners his brothers have brought home!

  • Cattle Breed: Club Calf

 Cattle /  Wisconsin / 281 views

by Ron Runkel

In God We Trust x Kit steer for sale. This one is going to bring home the purple just like his brothers have!

  • Cattle Breed: Club Calf

 Cattle /  Wisconsin / 155 views

by Ron Runkel

Mind Over Matter steer for sale. Located in south east Wisconsin. This one is ready to do some winning!

  • Cattle Breed: Club Calf

 Cattle /  Wisconsin / 129 views

by Ron Runkel

Chosen 1 x Kit steer for sale. With the consistency of Kit behind this one you can’t go wrong

  • Cattle Breed: Club Calf

 Cattle /  Wisconsin / 177 views